PHP MySQL wrapper - PHP Class to easily call mysql database functions

Warning: Abandoned
This page/script has been classified as abandoned and will no longer be updated. I will keep this page here indefinitely as a reference, but it will no longer be updated and I no longer offer support of any kind regarding content found on this page.


  • This is not a full script. This is the MySQL class that I used with PHP4 database projects. I ran all my MySQL connections through it because it saves time and space on code. I don't have to keep typing the database information and other things like that. It also has shortcut functions because I got tired of escaping data, stripping slashes, building UGLY insert and update queries. I'm sharing this class along with some examples for using it.


Requirements & Terms of Use

  • This script is designed to be used with the older PHP4. While it will still work with newer PHP versions, if you use PHP 5.0 to PHP 5.3 you should use the more feature-rich PHP MySQL Wrapper v3. If your server supports the already built-in MySQLi or PDO extension (often older servers didn't) you should really use one of those.
  • Version 2.0.0 and onward is released under GNU General Public License. Basically this means you are free to use the script, modify it, and even redistribute versions of your own under the same license.

What's new

  • 2.2.5 [2010-05-08] [credits to Manuel] - query_update() allows increment(5) to create "field = field + 5"
  • 2.2.4 [unreleased.2010-04-18] - fetch_all_array() was passing 2 parameters to fetch_array. cleaned up oops() some more
  • 2.2.3 [unreleased.2009-12-20] [credits to Fatih] - replaced @ repressing $_SEVER notices in oops() with real checking
  • 2.2.2 [2009-12-17] [credits to Jerwin for help] - $this->link_id got added to escape() to help with multi-database handling
  • 2.2.1 [2009-09-14] [credits to Charlie for help] - query_insert got mysql_insert_id($this->link_id); instead of mysql_insert_id();
  • 2.2 [2009-08-25]
    1. Cleaned up instruction page with better examples. Example in config all converted to constants.
    2. Depreciated table_prefix (still exists for backwards compatibility)
    3. fetch_array() no longer saving to unneed/unused $this->record
    4. free_result() now checks for $this->query_id!=0
    5. Suppressed default mysql_close warnings in close()
  • 2.1.3 [2009-07-06] - query() updated for returning blank link_id and affected_rows with link_id
  • 2.1.2 [2009-04-30] [credits to david for help] - get_magic_quotes_gpc() in escape() to get_magic_quotes_runtime()
  • 2.1.1 [2009-03-13] - was unused var $field_table that I stripped out
  • 2.1 [February 02, 2009] [credits to jeroen for help] - connect() and close() adjusted to fully support multiple connections. (code example added)
    HTML error in oops() fixed
  • 2.0.14 [December 05, 2008] - query_insert() was causing an error with mysql_free_result()
  • 2.0.13 [September 18, 2008] - fixed missing else{} for $this->link_id in oops()
  • 2.0.12 [June 29, 2008] - query_insert() and query_update() table name is escaped
  • 2.0.10 - 2.0.11 - changes were made and later reverted (neither version was publicly available)
  • 2.0.9 [March 19, 2008] - error messages same syntax now. after connect() database info reset so can't be dumped by hacker
  • 2.0.8 [March 18, 2008] - query_update() $where now valid if not passing it a value. var $pass not var $pas
  • 2.0.7 [March 16, 2008] - Cleanup minor things/wording while getting ready to publish
  • 2.0.6 [March 10, 2008] - query_insert() returns id of inserted record
  • 2.0.5 [March 04, 2008] - Added fetch_all_array()
  • 2.0.4 [February 25, 2008] - Minor bug corrections. Better error handling
  • 2.0.3 [February 20, 2008] - Added query_update() and query_insert() functions. Went from db_mysql to Database class name
  • 2.0.2 [February 06, 2008] - Added constructor
  • 2.0.1 [January 26, 2008] - Added escape() function, removed functions that were never used (least by me)
  • 2.0.0 - New License
  • 0.1 - 1.9 [December 23, 2003] - Earliest copy i can find of this is dated 2003. Didn't keep real good backups though so no idea when i actually started it. v0.1 to v1.9 was licensed as public domain.


Calling the Class, config settings

  • At the top of your scripts:
    $db = new Database("server_name", "mysql_user", "mysql_pass", "mysql_database");
  • What each setting means:
    • server_name - Name or IP of MySQL server. Usually "localhost" although sometimes it will be like ""
    • mysql_user - User Name to log into MySQL database
    • mysql_pass - Password to log into MySQL database. If no password, use double quotes with a blank value. Example ""
    • mysql_database - Database to select and run the queries on
    • table_prefix - Table prefix was removed in version 2.2. It is unnecessarily if you define all your table names with constants (which you should be doing). I will however leave the code in that supports it until v3.0 for backwards compatibility.
  • What I HIGHLY recommend (optional)
    The easiest way to handle this is to create a file. In it put:
    //database server
    define('DB_SERVER', "localhost");

    //database login name
    define('DB_USER', "username");
    //database login password
    define('DB_PASS', "password");

    //database name
    define('DB_DATABASE', "username_mydata");

    //smart to define your table names also
    define('TABLE_USERS', "users");
    define('TABLE_NEWS', "news");

    Then at the top of your scripts, call in the and the Database.class.php files
    $db = new Database(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_DATABASE);

    The reason why this is a good idea is because then if you change hosts etc, you can edit the single file, change the settings, and it is reflected on all your pages. No need to change the info on each of your pages.

Examples of how to call things

// every page needs to start with these basic things

// I'm using a separate config file. so pull in those values

// pull in the file with the database class

// create the $db object

// connect to the server

// your main code would go here

// and when finished, remember to close connection
// update an existing record using query_update()

$data['comments'] = 3536;
$data['title'] = "New Article";

// special cases supported for update: NULL and NOW()
$data['author'] = "NULL";// it knows to convert NULL and NOW() from a string

// also supports increment to the current database value
// will also work with a negative number. eg; INCREMENT(-5)
$data['views'] = "INCREMENT(1)";

// query_update() parameters
//     table name (ideally by calling a constant defined in config file)
//     assoc array with data (does not need escaped)
//     where condition

// would create the query:
// UPDATE `news` SET `comments`='3536', `title`='New Article', 
//     `author`=NULL, `views`=`views` + 1 WHERE news_id='46'
// insert a new record using query_insert()

$data['news_id'] = 47;
$data['title'] = "You're Top"// insert() will auto escape it for us
$data['created'] = "NOW()";// it knows to convert NULL and NOW() from a string

// query_insert() parameters
//     table name (ideally defined as a constant, but did not for this example)
//     assoc array with data (does not need escaped)
// query_insert() returns
//    primary id of the inserted record. you can collect or ignore
$primary_id $db->query_insert("news"$data);

// then use the returned ID if you want
echo "New record inserted: $primary_id"

// would create the query:
// INSERT INTO `news` (`news_id`,`title`,`created`) 
//          VALUES ('47', 'Your\'re Top', NOW())
// escape() query() and fetch_array()

// pullout the first 10 entries where referrer came from google
//     using defined TABLE_USERS table name from config
//     $db->escape() escapes string to make it safe for mysql

$url "";

$sql "SELECT user_id, nickname FROM `".TABLE_USERS."`
          WHERE referrer LIKE '"
          ORDER BY nickname DESC
          LIMIT 0,10"

$rows $db->query($sql);

while (
$record $db->fetch_array($rows)) {
// using escape() and fetch_all_array()

// pullout the first 10 entries where url came from google
//     using defined TABLE_USERS table name from config
//     $db->escape() escapes string to make it safe for mysql

$url "";

$sql "SELECT user_id, nickname FROM `".TABLE_USERS."`
          WHERE referer LIKE '"
          ORDER BY nickname DESC
          LIMIT 0,10"

// feed it the sql directly. store all returned rows in an array
$rows $db->fetch_all_array($sql);

// print out array later on when we need the info on the page
foreach($rows as $record){
// using query_first() 

// get user's nickname using their unique ID
//    using defined TABLE_USERS table name from config

$sql "SELECT nickname FROM `".TABLE_USERS."`
          WHERE user_id=

// since user_id is unique, only one record needs returned
//     I use $db->query_first() instead of $db->query() and fetch_array()
//     $db->query_first() will return array with first record found
$record $db->query_first($sql);

// since it only returns one record, query_first() does the fetching
// I can print off the record directly
echo $record['nickname'];
// delete a specific entry

$sql "DELETE FROM `".TABLE_USERS."` WHERE user_id=$user_id";
// using $db->affected_rows
//     returns the number of rows in a table affected by your query
//     can be used after UPDATE query (to see how many rows are updated)
//     can be used after SELECT query (to see how many rows will be returned)

$sql "SELECT nickname FROM `".TABLE_USERS."` WHERE user_id='1'";

$row $db->query($sql); 

$db->affected_rows 0){
"Success! Number of users found: "$db->affected_rows;
"Error: No user found.";

// creating and connecting to two database
$db_1 = new Database("localhost""user""pass""deadwood_public");
$db_2 = new Database("localhost""user""pass""deadwood_internal");

// NOTE: this is the main difference
// when I connect using connect(true) it will force open a new connection
// otherwise connect() uses the existing connection if it contains the the same info

// insert data into both database
$data['member_name']="John Smith";


// close the second connection

// we can still run a query to the first connection
$rows $db_1->query("SELECT * FROM members LIMIT 0,5");

$row $db_1->fetch_array($rows)){

// close the first connection

And now because I'm lazy and tend to look here all the time myself when i need a reference.
Data Type Column Type Range or Description Storage
Numeric TinyInt Signed values from -128 to 127
Unsigned values from 0 to 255
1 byte
Numeric SmallInt Signed values from -32768 to 32767
Unsigned values from 0 to 65535
2 bytes
Numeric MediumInt Signed values from -8388608 to 8388607
Unsigned values from 0 to 16777215
3 bytes
Numeric Int Signed values from -2147683648 to 2147483647
Unsigned values from 0 to 4294967295
4 bytes
Numeric BigInt Signed values from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
Unsigned values from 0 to 18446744073709551615
8 bytes
Numeric Float Minimum non-zero values: 1.175494351E-38
Maximum non-zero values: 3.402823466E+38
4 bytes
Numeric Double Float Minimum non-zero values: 2.2250738585072014E-308
Maximum non-zero values: 1.7976931348623157E+308
8 bytes
Numeric Decimal Varies Maximum width + 2 bytes
String Char Range 1-255 characters Always filled max width
String VarChar Range 1-255 characters Length of string + 1 byte
String TinyBlob, TinyText Max length 255 characters Length of string + 1 byte
String Blob, Text Max length 65535 characters (~64KB of text) Length of string + 2 bytes
String MediumBlob, MediumText Max length 16777216 characters (16MB of text) Length of string + 3 bytes
String LongBlob, LongText Max length 4294967295 characters (4GB of text) Length of string + 4 bytes
String Enum ('value','value2',...) String object that can have only one set of allowed values 1 or 2 bytes
String Set ('value','value2',...) String object that can have one or many values of a set of allowed values. 1, 2, 3, 4, or 8 bytes
Date/Time Date 'YY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYMMDD'
Range "1000-01-01" to "9999-12-31"
3 bytes
Date/Time Time 'HH:MM:SS', 'HHMMSS', 'HHMM', 'HH'
Range "-838:59:59" to "838:59:59"
3 bytes
Date/Time DateTime 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
"0000-01-01 00:00:00" to "9999-12-31 23:59:59"
8 bytes
Date/Time TimeStamp 19700101000000 to sometime in the year 2037 4 bytes
Date/Time Year 'YYYY', 'YY' Range "1901" to "2155" 1 byte


Great script! I have used this for two of my major web applications, one a CRM and another a Helpdesk. As far as the mysql connections, queries, and such go, I have had no problem. Other developers were able to view the code and easily make changes as well based on your intuitive method for inserting, updating, etc. data.

I have a quick question/feature request. Have you ever created a User class that would extend this MySQL wrapper class? Currently I am using and simply passing the mysql link connection to it, but it is a loose integration.

Hi! I use your script and like it very much! Really nice script!

As you probably agree, it's much easier to update a table using your "query_update" rather than writing the hole update query (or else you wouldn't even write it!).
I'm now facing a little problem with an update, as I'm trying to do something like:
UPDATE table_name SET field_1=345, field_2='example string', field_3=field_3+1 WHERE field_id=4

If I write it like:

['field_1'] = 345;
$data['field_2'] = "example string";
$data['field_3'] = "field_3+1";
$db->query_update(TABLE_NAME, $data, "field_id='4'");

I get this resulting query: UPDATE `table_name` SET `field_1`='345', `field_2`='example string', `field_3`='field_3+1' WHERE field_id=4

And this query puts field_3 value to the integer 0, as field_3 is an integer.

How can I do this? Is it possible with the "query_update" or I'll have to use the "query"?
TIA for a reply

I would say your best bet would be to add another elseif statement like the way the "null" and "now()" are handled in query_update(). something like:
elseif(preg_match("/^increment\((\-?\d+)\)$/i",$val,$m)) $q.= "`$key` = `$key` + $m[1], ";
and then you can call it like

// it's also case insensitive and will work with a negative number

You got me thinking and I actually really like this idea and you might see it in the official version in a future update.

Great class ! Thank you

I have a problem with Japanese characters appearing as question marks in the results. I fixed this problem by adding mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8;"); on line 81 in the Database.class.php file. Is this going to create performance issues ?


No, there shouldn't be any performance issues setting the character-set right after it connects as long as all your queries using the object need UTF-8. One minor suggestion, for PHP4 instead of calling mysql_query() yourself use:

// set character set in PHP4
$this->query("SET NAMES utf8;");
that way the class handles the query, the link_id, and any errors. For anyone with PHP5, instead you should use:
// set character set in PHP5
mysql_set_charset('utf8', $this->link_id);

If you need to set the charset every time you connect, you can modify the function connect() to automatically set every time. bit more info on this comment on the v2 page.

Hey!, it's an amazing script for mysql using php5+oop.
but, I wish to get an object or an objects from the database.
Using the Database.class.php class I can use:
- $db->fetch_array($sql)
- $db->fetch_all_array($sql)

I think is important to have:
- fetch_array_object($sql);
- fetch_all_array_object($sql);
using @mysql_fetch_object

only that.
Thanks! :)

You are more than welcome to create both functions and share them here. I personally don't ever use the fetched database info in object format, but if there is enough interest from other users it might go into a future version (with credits of course).

If you want to use the data return by the query as an object:

//currently you have to use
echo $data["index"];
// but you want to use
echo $data->index;
// you can cast it to an object with
$data = (object)$data;

or you can also create a function in the wrapper class.